枪支管制 Gun Control
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- New York Times【学校的安全措施可能避免了枪击事件的 “严重性”】 | Security measures may have prevented the shooting from being “way worse.”
- Washington Post 【美国枪支死亡人数惊人,远不止大规模枪击事件 -《华盛顿邮报》】 | The staggering scope of U.S. gun deaths goes far beyond mass shootings
- The New Republic 【最高法院让未来的大规模枪击案更加致命】 | The Supreme Court Just Made Future Mass Shootings Even Deadlier
- WIRED - 连线杂志【亚历克斯-琼斯现在正试图把钱转到他父亲的保健品生意上】 | Alex Jones Is Now Trying to Divert Money to His Father’s Supplements Business
- Governor Kathy Hochul 纽约州州长报告【州长霍楚尔宣布纽约州在减少枪支暴力方面取得重大进展】 | Governor Hochul Announces Major Progress in Bringing Down Gun Violence Throughout New York State
- New York Times【密歇根州校园枪击案凶手父母被判 10 至 15 年监禁】 | Parents of Michigan School Shooter Sentenced to 10 to 15 Years in Prison
- Salon【专家:"拥有枪支会让很多人变成共和党人"】 | Expert: "There's something about being a gun owner that makes many people turn into Republicans"
- New York Times【子女开枪后父母被定罪的 5 个案例】 | 5 Cases When Parents Were Convicted After a Shooting by Their Child
- Washington Post【我很高兴我有一把枪。我更高兴的是,我没有用它来对付闯入者】 | Opinion I’m glad I had a gun. I’m even happier I didn’t use it on an intruder.