美中议题 U.S.-China Issues
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- 美国司法部-纽约东区 【前纽约州高级政府雇员被指控充当中华人民共和国和中国共产党的秘密代理人】 | Former High-Ranking New York State Government Employee Charged with Acting as an Undisclosed Agent of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party
- WSJ - 华尔街日报【美国驻华大使指责中国政府在国内煽动反美情绪】 | In Rare Rebuke, U.S. Ambassador Accuses China of Undermining Diplomacy
- Rest of World【尽管聘请了国际员工,但 TikTok 的核心仍是中国文化】 | Despite international hires, TikTok is Chinese at its core
- CNN【美国的航空公司要求拜登政府阻止更多航班飞往中国】 | US airlines ask Biden administration to block additional flights to China
- Vox【五角大楼为何要建造数千架易替换, 人工智能无人机?】 | Why the Pentagon wants to build thousands of easily replaceable, AI-enabled drones
- CBS 60 Minutes【中国经济放缓、习近平政府策略令美国投资者警惕】 | China's slowing economy, Xi's government tactics leave American investors wary