美国大选 U.S. Elections
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- Slate【最高法院刚刚暗示,如果选举结果接近,它将采取什么行动】 | The Supreme Court Just Signaled What It Will Do If the Election Is Close
- The Hill【克林顿警告十月惊奇将 "歪曲和污名 "哈里斯】 | Clinton warns of October surprise that will ‘distort and pervert’ Harris
- Mediaite【布莱恩·坎普揭穿特朗普关于拜登和海伦飓风的谎言】 | Trump Makes Up That Georgia’s Brian Kemp Can’t Get Biden on the Phone, But Kemp Already Thanked Biden For Offering Assistance
- Salon【威斯康星州市长因移动投票箱而接受刑事调查】 | Criminal investigation opens into Wisconsin mayor who moved ballot drop box
- Renonr 【投票陷入困境: 阴谋论和拒绝认证结果威胁着瓦肖县的选举】 | Voting under siege: Conspiracy theories and the refusal to certify results threaten Washoe County elections
- The New Republic 【对而哈里斯而言,最重要的不是经济。 而是这个】 | The Most Important Thing for Harris Isn’t the Economy. It’s This.
- AP - 美联社【绿党的吉尔-斯坦因将继续留在威斯康星州的选票上, 在法院拒绝审理质疑之后】 | Green Party’s Jill Stein will remain on Wisconsin ballot after court refuses to hear challenge
- AP News - 美联社【威斯康星州最高法院称小罗伯特-肯尼迪的名字将保留在摇摆州的选票上】 | Wisconsin Supreme Court says Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s name will remain on swing state’s ballotballot
- New York Times【共和党曾经被视为牢不可破的选举人团优势似乎正在消退】 | Republicans’ Electoral College Edge, Once Seen as Ironclad, Looks to Be Fading
- WSJ 华尔街日报【Newsmax 和 Smartmatic 就 2020 年大选虚假指控的诽谤诉讼达成和解】 | Newsmax and Smartmatic Settle Defamation Lawsuit Over False 2020 Election Claims
- New York Times【观点:为什么卡玛拉-哈里斯赢得了我的支持】 | Opinion | Stanley McChrystal: Why Kamala Harris Has Won Me Over
- 彼得森国际经济研究所(PIIE)【特朗普的驱逐出境、关税和美联储计划将对美国经济造成多大损害?】 | How much would Trump's plans for deportations, tariffs, and the Fed damage the US economy?
- The Guardian - 卫报【伊隆·马斯克的推特政变损害了右翼。他们现在只是“过分在线了”】 | Elon Musk’s Twitter coup has harmed the right. They are now simply ‘too online’
- NBC News【担心特朗普上台,前司法部官员为卡马拉-哈里斯背书】 | Fearing a Trump takeover, Justice Department alumni endorse Kamala Harris
- Washington Post 【特朗普正在失去其在选民中的经济优势】 | Harris is gaining ground on Trump when it comes to the economy
- The KeyStone 【出于对普京和乌克兰的担心,波兰裔宾夕法尼亚人支持卡马拉-哈里斯】 | Polish Pennsylvanians endorse Kamala Harris over Putin, Ukraine concerns
- Politico【观点: 别听蓬佩奥、奥布莱恩和麦克马斯特的。 特朗普的外交政策是失败的。】Opinion | Don’t Listen to Pompeo, O’Brien and McMaster. Trump’s Foreign Policy Was a Failure.
- NBC News【内布拉斯加州关键共和党人反对改变该州授予选举人票的方式,阻止了特朗普推动的议案】Key Nebraska Republican opposes changing how the state awards electoral votes, blocking Trump push
- WUNC 【CNN 报道后,副州长马克·罗宾逊的竞选团队几乎全部辞职】 | Nearly all of Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson's campaign staff quits after CNN report
- CBS News【罗纳德-里根的前幕僚支持哈里斯-瓦尔兹选票 "今天是在正直与蛊惑人心之间做出选择"。】 | Ronald Reagan's former staff back Harris-Walz ticket: "Today is a choice between integrity and demagoguery."
- The Daily Beast【卡马拉·哈里斯的支持率在 9/11 事件后跃升至乔治·W·布什时代以来的最高水平】 | Kamala Harris Has Biggest Favorability Jump Since George W. Bush After 9/11
- Politico 【哈里斯正在改变民主党针对拉丁裔选民的方式。这是一种风险。】 | Harris is changing the way Democrats target Latino voters. It’s a risk.
- Mediaite【莉兹·切尼: 保守派可能不得不组建新党, 因为共和党被特朗普“严重腐蚀”】Cheney Says Conservatives Might Have to Form New Party Because GOP Has ‘Been So Corrupted’ By Trump
- Alternet 【为什么特朗普几乎不努力竞选了? 因为他已陷入对哈里斯的焦虑中】 | Opinion Why is Trump barely campaigning? Harris lives in his head
- The Hill 【观点:“恐惧的多数”可能为特朗普带来压倒性胜利】 | The ‘scared majority’ could deliver a landslide victory for Trump
- Salon【卡玛拉-哈里斯化解了唐纳德-特朗普的 "高主导权 "优势】 | Kamala Harris has neutralized Donald Trump's "high-dominance" advantage
- The Guardian - 卫报【与特朗普立场一致的佐治亚州选举委员会以 3-2 票通过要求在选举日进行手工计票】 | Trump-aligned Georgia election board votes 3-2 to require hand-count on election day
- Vote Beat 【威斯康星州书记员对小罗伯特-肯尼迪要求在选票上覆盖姓名一事感到震惊】 | Wisconsin clerks in sticker shock over Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s request to have name covered on ballot
- The Conversation【美联储降息半个百分点——这对经济和总统大选意味着什么】 | Fed slashes rates by a half-point – what that means for the economy and the presidential election
现场直播【"团结美国 "集会:与副总统卡马拉-哈里斯和奥普拉-温弗瑞一起】
Unite for America Rally with Vice President Kamala Harris and Oprah Winfrey
- Washington Post 华盛顿邮报【北卡罗来纳州共和党人誓言在 CNN 报道余波中继续竞选州长】 | N.C. Republican vows to continue campaign for governor amid fallout of CNN story
- Politico【哈里斯在密歇根州选情摇摆不定,“未承诺”团体不支持她】 | ‘Uncommitted’ group won’t endorse Harris as she swings through Michigan
- WSJ - 华尔街日报【特朗普竞选团队在被告知谣言不实后,如何散布移民吃宠物的谣言】 | How the Trump Campaign Ran With Rumors About Pet-Eating Migrants—After Being Told They Weren’t True
- Raw Story 【内幕: 共和党大谎言2.0——及其在今年秋天关闭美国的计划】 | Inside the GOP's Big Lie 2.0 — and their plan to shut down America this Fall
- The Nation【卡玛拉·哈里斯需要抓住这一时刻,重新构建我们有毒的移民辩论】 | Kamala Harris Needs to Meet the Moment and Reframe Our Poisonous Immigration Debate
- NYT【共和党前国家安全领导人支持哈里斯副总统的声明】 | Republican Former National Security Leaders Statement of Support for Vice President Harris
- New York Times 【111 名前共和党官员支持哈里斯,称特朗普“不适合任职”】 | 111 Former G.O.P. Officials Back Harris, Calling Trump ‘Unfit to Serve’
- Brian Krassenstein 【一封朋友的来信,他曾两次为特朗普投票】 | A friend of mine who voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 just sent his family and friends this letter.
- The Conversation 【哈里斯与特朗普执政下的医疗保健:一位公共卫生历史学家评估了他们的记录】 | Health care under Harris versus Trump: A public health historian sizes up their records
- Salon【“沮丧、厌恶和恐惧”:这些终身共和党人表示,他们终于和特朗普分道扬镳】"Depressed, disgusted and horrified": These lifelong Republicans say they're finally done with Trump
- The New Republic 【JD 万斯 抱怨民主党,似乎忘记了特朗普自己的话】 | J.D. Vance, Whining About Democrats, Seems to Forget Trump’s Own Words
- New York Times【《纽约时报》记者重温早先对特朗普高尔夫球场的嫌疑人的采访】 | New York Times Reporter Revisits Earlier Interview With Suspect at Trump Golf Course
- Scientific American - 《科学美国人》社论【投票支持卡马拉·哈里斯,支持科学、健康和环境】 | Vote for Kamala Harris to Support Science, Health and the Environmentupport-science-health-and-the-environment/
- The Bulwark【特朗普团队:“我们将承担吃猫的打击”以让移民问题继续成为新闻焦点】 | Trump Team: ‘We’ll Take The Hit’ on Cat Eating to Keep Immigration in the News
- The Guardian - 卫报【佛罗里达州疑似特朗普遇刺案发生后,嫌疑人之子发声】 | Son of suspect speaks after apparent Trump assassination attempt in Florida
- New York Times【特朗普被迫说他只有“计划概念”的原因如下】 | Here’s Why Trump Was Forced to Say He Has Only ‘Concepts of a Plan’
- Politico【两党议员签署承诺,认证 2024 年选举结果】 | Bipartisan group of lawmakers signs pledge to certify 2024 election results
Why Hasn't Harris Done More As VP?
- Washington Post - 华盛顿邮报【观点:特朗普在辩论中的表现戳穿了他在外交政策上的夸夸其谈】 | Opinion Trump’s debate performance punctured his foreign policy pretensions
- 贺锦丽的总统辩论最佳一分钟:
- USA Today 【泰勒·斯威夫特支持卡玛拉·哈里斯担任总统:“她是一位稳健、有天赋的领导者”】 | Taylor Swift's response to presidential debate? She quickly endorsed Kamala Harris.
- USA Today-今日美国【特朗普已经 78 岁了,说话几乎前言不搭后语。质疑拜登年龄和健康状况的人都去哪了?】 | Trump is 78 and barely coherent. Where's everyone who questioned Biden's age and fitness?
- The Guardian - 卫报【特朗普与哈里斯辩论会什么时候举行?规则是什么?你需要知道的一切】 | What time is the Trump-Harris debate – and what are the rules? All you need to know
- AP News - 美联社【特朗普在关键辩论前不断升级言辞,威胁要监禁对手】 | Trump threatens to jail adversaries in escalating rhetoric ahead of pivotal debate
- New York Times【特朗普-哈里斯辩论准备内幕: 表演、辱骂、刁钻问题】 | Inside the Trump-Harris Debate Prep: Method Acting, Insults, Tough Questions
- The Guardian - 卫报【世界的未来可能取决于几千名宾夕法尼亚州选民对他们的食品杂货账单的看法】 | The future of the world may depend on what a few thousand Pennsylvania voters think about their grocery bills
- The New Republic【俄罗斯阴谋曝光后,亲特朗普媒体公司突然倒闭】 | Pro-Trump Media Firm Abruptly Folds After Russia Scheme Exposed
- 美国司法部【司法部挫败俄罗斯政府支持的针对美国和其他地区受众的秘密外国恶意影响行动】 | Justice Department Disrupts Covert Russian Government-Sponsored Foreign Malign Influence Operation Targeting Audiences in the United States and Elsewhere
- CNBC 【88 位企业领导人在新信中支持哈里斯,其中包括 Yelp、Box 的首席执行官】 | Eighty-eight corporate leaders endorse Harris in new letter, including CEOs of Yelp, Box
蒂姆·沃尔兹现场直播:蒂姆·沃尔兹批驳特朗普和万斯 | 沃尔兹宾夕法尼亚州集会 | 2024 年美国大选 | N18G
Tim Walz LIVE: Tim Walz Attacks Trump & Vance | Walz Pennsylvania Rally | US Elections 2024 | N18G
- The New Republic【特朗普和万斯为赢得女性选民支持而做出的惊人愚蠢尝试】 | Trump and Vance’s Astoundingly Stupid Attempts to Win Women Voters
- Daily Dot【起诉书称,本尼·约翰逊、蒂姆·普尔和戴夫·鲁宾创办的媒体初创公司是俄罗斯秘密实施影响力行动】 | Media start-up from Benny Johnson, Tim Pool, and Dave Rubin was secret Russian influence campaign, indictment alleges
- American Prospect【民意调查显示选民希望看到对企业权力采取行动 - 美国展望】 | Polling Shows Voters Want to See Action on Corporate Power
- The New Republic【特朗普顶级志愿者因竞选进展不顺利而辞职】 | Top Trump Volunteer Quits Over How Badly the Campaign Is Going
- The New Republic 【新闻界必须解释其对泄密事件的惊人双重标准】 | The Press Must Explain Its Stunning Double Standard on Leaks
- POLITICO【根据我们的民调专家,特朗普和哈里斯之间的竞争在劳动节期间的情况】 | Where the race between Trump and Harris stands on Labor Day, according to our polling expert
- Reuters - 路透社事实核查【特朗普政府执政期间,美军在阿富汗没有经历18个月无伤亡的情况,这与他的说法恰恰相反】 | U.S. forces did not experience 18 months without casualties in Afghanistan during Trump admin, contrary to his claims
- Ahmed Baba's Newsletter【哈里斯接受 CNN 采访时的回答证明她知道如何应对特朗普】 | From Harris's CNN Interview Proved She Knows How To Handle Trump
- Raw Story【卡马拉·哈里斯暂停演讲,因为雷鸣般的人群淹没了抗议者的喊声】 | Kamala Harris pauses speech as thunderous crowd drowns out shouting protester
- Raw Story 【约翰逊牵线搭桥让特朗普入主阿灵顿——现在丑闻正在蔓延】 | Johnson pulled strings to get Trump into Arlington — and now the scandal is spreading
- Salon【“病态而悲惨”:退伍军人、民主党人批评特朗普在阿灵顿国家公墓制造“事件”】 | "Sick and tragic": Veterans, Democrats criticize Trump for "incident" at Arlington National Cemetery
Tim Walz delivers speech to firefighters in Boston
- NBC News【这些是中文社交媒体上与选举相关的重大错误信息主题】 | These are the big election-related misinfo themes on Chinese-language social media
- The Atlantic - 大西洋月刊【特朗普的福音派支持者刚刚失去了他们最好的借口】Trump’s Evangelical Supporters Just Lost Their Best Excuse
- Salon【民主党从共和党手中夺回了一个重要的政治足球:自由】Democrats snatch a major political football away from Republicans: freedom
- USA Today 【超过 200 名布什、麦凯恩、罗姆尼校友支持哈里斯担任总统,批评特朗普】 | More than 200 Bush, McCain, Romney alums endorse Harris for president, criticize Trump
- Politico【“我可以不投拜登的票而投她吗?”卡玛拉争夺拉丁裔选票的内幕】 | ‘Can I Just Vote for Her Instead of Biden?’: Inside Kamala’s Scramble to Win the Latino Vote
- USA Today【特朗普煽动人们对移民推高犯罪率的担忧,尽管数据揭穿了这一事实】 | Trump stokes fear about migrants driving up crime rate, despite data debunking that
- Public Notice【为什么“我们不会回到过去”是 2024 年的完美主题】 | Why "we're not going back" is the perfect theme for 2024
- 【加沙美国人质父母在 2024 年民主党全国代表大会上的完整演讲(2024 年 8 月 21 日)】 Parents of American hostage in Gaza full speech at 2024 DNC (Aug. 21, 2024)]]
- New York Times【卡玛拉·哈里斯 “自信、有原则——总统风范”:民主党全国代表大会第四晚最美好和最糟糕时刻】 | Kamala Harris Was ‘Confident, Principled — Presidential’: The Best and Worst Moments From Night 4 of the Democratic Convention
- Time - 时代周刊【共和党人亚当·金辛格在民主党全国代表大会上发表的完整演讲】附完整视频 The Full Speech Republican Adam Kinzinger Gave at the Democratic National Convention
- The Warzone【特勤局 “地面部队一号 ”总统装甲巴士亮相,为哈里斯-沃尔兹竞选活动进行全新涂装】 | Secret Service’s “Ground Force One” Presidential Armored Bus Emerges Wrapped For Harris-Walz Campaign
- USA Today - 今日美国 【蒂姆·沃尔兹的儿子格斯患有学习障碍。他的出现能帮助残疾的美国人吗?】 | Tim Walz's son Gus has a learning disorder. Can his visibility help disabled Americans?
- Politico【我们深入研究了 2024 年民意调查交叉表。我们的发现令人震惊。】 | We Dug Into the 2024 Polling Crosstabs. What We Found Was Stunning.
AP-美联社【DNC 直播:芝加哥民主党全国代表大会第一天】
DNC LIVE: Day 1 of Democratic National Convention in Chicago
- 【2024 年民主党全国代表大会直播:】2024 年芝加哥民主党全国代表大会前媒体吹风会 N18L Democratic National Convention 2024 LIVE: Media Briefing Ahead Of The 2024 DNC In Chicago N18L
- The Salt Lake Tribune - 盐湖论坛报【观点:为了拯救保守主义,我投票给哈里斯】 | Opinion: To save conservatism from itself, I am voting for Harris
- The Guardian - 卫报【拜登的民主党全国代表大会演讲何时举行?如何观看以及需要了解的内容】 | When is Biden’s Democratic convention speech? How to watch and what to know
- The New Republic - 新共和【哈里斯正在启航,特朗普正在挣扎,右翼正在撤离。哇。】 | Harris Is Sailing, Trump Is Flailing, and the Right Is Bailing. Wow.
- Politico - 政客杂志【卡马拉-哈里斯在战略上与希拉里-克林顿大相径庭】 | Kamala Harris is making one big strategic break from Hillary Clinton
- New York Times 【大会上 10 位最引人注目的演讲者(真实的和可能的)】 | The 10 Most Intriguing Speakers at the Convention (Real and Possible)
- New Yorker - 纽约客【最新总统民调结果及其可能遗漏之处】 | What the Latest Presidential Polls Say and What They Might Be Missing
WATCH LIVE: Kamala Harris delivers remarks at a campaign event in Rochester, PA
现场直播 | 卡玛拉-哈里斯和蒂姆·沃尔兹匹兹堡巡回演讲集会现场直播 | 2024 年民主党全国代表大会 | 卡玛拉集会赛现场直播 |
N18G Kamala Harris LIVE | Kamala & Tim Walz Tour In Pittsburgh Live | DNC 2024 | Kamala Rally Live | N18G
Live: Tim Walz speaks live in his home state of Nebraska
- Politico 【"一场完全不同的竞选":卡玛拉-哈里斯如何重新打开选举团地图】 | ‘A Completely Different Campaign’: How Kamala Harris Reopened the Electoral College Map
- Salon【特朗普:巨额捐款者的奖项 “优于 ”授予中弹或 “死亡 ”士兵的军队最高荣誉】 | Trump: Megadonor's award "better" than top military honor given to soldiers hit by bullets or "dead"
- The Guardian 卫报【你的食物更贵了——是美国企业追求利润的错吗?】 | Your food is more expensive – are US corporate profits to blame?
- Salon【“我看不到特朗普有任何希望”:林肯计划的里克·威尔逊谈 MAGA 的撤退】 | "I do not see any light on the horizon for Trump": Lincoln Project's Rick Wilson on MAGA's retreat
- The New Republic【特朗普发表无比怪异的言论,致使其新闻发布会瞬间偏离主题】 | Trump Immediately Derails Press Conference With Weirdest Comments
Kamala Harris and Tim Walz on tacos, music, and the future of America
- New York Times【他仍认为自己能获胜:拜登退选决定的内幕】 | He Still Thought He Could Win: Inside Biden’s Decision to Drop Out
- Politico 【卡玛拉-哈里斯的民调领先优势能否持续?我们的民调专家为您解读。】 | Will Kamala Harris’ polling lead last? Our polling expert explains.
MTN 【直播:副总统哈里斯和拜登共同向全国发表讲话】
LIVE: VP Harris and Biden ADDRESS Nation TOGETHER
- CNN Politics【事实核查:特朗普在与埃隆·马斯克的谈话中至少提出了 20 项虚假陈述】 | Fact check: Trump made at least 20 false claims in his conversation with Elon Musk
- The New Republic【特朗普和马斯克的支离破碎的访谈可能触犯了法律】 | Trump’s Trainwreck Elon Musk Interview May Have Broken the Law
ABC News【完整演讲:蒂姆·沃尔兹首次个人竞选活动在洛杉矶举行】
FULL SPEECH: Tim Walz makes first solo campaign stop in Los Angeles
- The New Republic 【还记得特朗普曾邀请我们的敌人进行黑客攻击吗?媒体不记得了。】 | Remember When Trump Invited Hacking by Our Enemies? The Media Doesn’t.
- Daily Beast【特朗普推出匪夷所思的哈里斯飞机阴谋论--但摄影师驳斥了这一阴谋】 | Trump Rolls Out Bonkers Harris Plane Conspiracy—but Photographer Disproves It
- The Guardian 卫报 【“与 2020 年不同”:特朗普窃取选举的计划正在成形】 | ‘A different level than 2020’: Trump’s plan to steal election is taking shape
- Raw Story 【“他的脑袋快爆炸了”:共和党民意调查员承认特朗普正在导致自己在选举中落败】 | 'His head is exploding': GOP pollster admits Trump is causing his own downfall in election
- NPR【NPR 事实核查:前总统特朗普新闻发布会上说过的162 个谎言和歪曲。】 | 162 lies and distortions in a news conference. NPR fact checks former President Trump
- Salon【唐纳德·特朗普不再有趣:卡马拉·哈里斯如何抢走了风头——并扑灭了他的热情】 | Donald Trump isn't fun anymore: How Kamala Harris stole the show — and extinguished his flame
- New York Times【内幕:唐纳德·特朗普 2024 年竞选中最糟糕的三周】 | Inside the Worst Three Weeks of Donald Trump’s 2024 Campaign
- AZ Central【“从未有过这样的事情”卡马拉-哈里斯和蒂姆-瓦尔兹将在亚利桑那州举行集会】 | 'Never been something like this': Kamala Harris and Tim Walz to rally in Arizona
- The Bulwark【现在就做好准备: 共和党人将拒绝认证哈里斯获胜】 | Get Ready Now: Republicans Will Refuse to Certify a Harris Win
- The New Republic 【牢骚满腹的特朗普认为与卡玛拉竞争“不公平”】Whiny Trump Thinks It’s “Unfair” He Has to Run Against Kamala
查拉曼尼·塔·戈德回应右翼的反卡玛拉种族主义言论 | 每日秀
Charlamagne Tha God Addresses the Right's Racist Anti-Kamala Rhetoric | The Daily Show
- The New Republic 【蒂姆-沃尔兹是福克斯新闻爸爸们被洗脑的完美解药】 | Tim Walz Is the Perfect Antidote to the Brainwashed Fox News Dads
- The New Yorker【蒂姆-沃尔兹为卡马拉-哈里斯击败唐纳德-特朗普的竞选活动带来了什么?】 | What Tim Walz Brings to Kamala Harris’s Campaign to Beat Donald Trump
- The Conversation【沃尔兹的选择将焦点转向副总统给白宫带来什么——3 篇必读文章】 | Walz pick turns focus on what a VP brings to White House – 3 essential reads
Watch live: Harris, Walz court voters in battleground Michigan
- USA Today 【“卫生棉条蒂姆"?真的吗?共和党人,这就是你们最擅长做的事?你们是在恭维蒂姆吗?】 | 'Tampon Tim'? Really Republicans, that's the best you can do? A compliment?
Watch live: Harris campaigns in Wisconsin day after picking Walz for VP
- New York Times【在沃尔兹身上,哈里斯看到了身着Carhartt品牌服装的战场策略】 | In Walz, Harris Sees a Battleground Strategy Dressed in Carhartt
- The New Republic【蒂姆-沃尔兹获得提名: 向左派屈服?不,是深入中心地带。】 | The Tim Walz Nod: Caving to the Left? No. Reaching Into the Heartland.
Kamala Harris debuts Tim Walz as vice-presidential pick
Van Jones: Walz punctured the Donald Trump balloon
- The Guardian 卫报【蒂姆·沃尔兹是谁?这位进步派州长曾赢得共和党的支持】 | Who is Tim Walz? The progressive governor with a history of winning over Republicans
- The New Republic【意外民调揭示特朗普对抗卡玛拉-哈里斯的关键弱点】 | Surprise Poll Reveals a Key Trump Weakness Against Kamala Harris
- Daily Beast【密歇根州官员对埃隆-马斯克支持特朗普的政治行动委员会展开调查】 | Michigan Officials Open Probe Into Elon Musk’s Pro-Trump PAC
What the data is saying about who Kamala Harris will likely choose as VP
- Daily Beast【特朗普白宫助手在 "共和党人支持哈里斯 "活动中放弃唐纳德而选卡玛拉】 | Trump White House Aides Desert Donald for Kamala in ‘Republicans for Harris’ Drive
- New York Times 【哈里斯能赢回阿拉伯裔美国选民吗?大门可能已经打开。】 | Can Harris Win Back Arab American Voters? The Door May Be Cracked Open.
- Salon 【特朗普对哈里斯挑战“男子气概”的回应是一场福克斯新闻的辩论】 | Trump's response to Harris' challenge to "man up" is a Fox News debate
- Politico 【观点|墨索里尼、特朗普和暗杀企图的真正作用】 | Opinion | Mussolini, Trump and What Assassination Attempts Really Do
- CNBC 【伊隆·马斯克的PAC如何利用选民数据帮助特朗普在 2024 年大选中击败哈里斯】 | How an Elon Musk PAC is using voter data to help Trump beat Harris in 2024 election
- The Guardian 卫报【卡玛拉·哈里斯需要围绕阶级而非种族来动员选民】 | Kamala Harris needs to mobilise voters around class – not race
- Newsweek 【观点:不要被错误信息宣传所蒙骗:乔希·夏皮罗是进步派副总统人选】 | Don't Fall for the Misinformation Campaign: Josh Shapiro Is the Progressive Choice for VP | Opinion
- 【完整视频 - 卡马拉·哈里斯在休斯顿悼念已故众议员希拉·杰克逊·李】 Kamala Harris eulogizes late Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee in Houston | full video
- Rolling Stone 滚石杂志【这些摇摆州选举官员是亲特朗普的选举否认者】 | These Swing State Election Officials Are Pro-Trump Election Deniers
BTC 【律师向拒绝认证选举结果的官员发出警告】
Attorney issues WARNING to officials who refuse to certify election results
《民主观察》第161集:马克·埃利亚斯(Marc Elias)讨论了选举官员会以虚假欺诈指控为借口而拒绝认证选举的问题。
- New York Times 【特朗普质疑哈里斯的种族身份,称她最近才“变成黑人”】Trump Questions Harris’s Racial Identity, Saying She Only ‘Became Black’ Recently
- Rolling Stone 滚石杂志【卡马拉-哈里斯在亚特兰大大力启动 2024 年竞选活动】 | Kamala Harris Hard Launches Her 2024 Campaign in Atlanta
- Politico【哈里斯将于周二在费城与竞选伙伴举行首次集会】 | Harris to hold first rally with running mate Tuesday in Philadelphia
MTN 【直播:卡马拉·哈里斯在亚特兰大发表竞选演讲】
Republican Voters Against Trump【为什么第二任期让这些前特朗普支持者感到恐惧】
Why a Second Term Horrifies These Former Trump Supporters
- The New Republic 【特朗普总统将如何践踏我们的民主】 | Here’s How President Trump Would Run Roughshod Over Our Democracy
- American Progress【2025计划: 通过破坏美国的制衡体系夺取权力的计划】 | Project 2025: The Plan To Seize Power by Gutting America’s System of Checks and Balances
- Washington Post 【观点 乔-拜登:我的最高法院改革计划,确保任何总统都不能凌驾于法律之上】 | Opinion | Joe Biden: My plan to reform the Supreme Court and ensure no president is above the law
- Raw Story 【卡玛拉·哈里斯明确表示,如果特朗普拒绝9 月份的辩论,她将面对特朗普缺席的空讲台进行辩论】 | Kamala Harris vows to debate Trump's empty podium if he skips September debate
- AZCentral【我在亚利桑那州管理竞选近三十年。以下是我知道选举安全的原因】 | I ran elections in Arizona for nearly three decades. Here's how I know they're secure
- AZCentral 【为什么作为共和党市长,我支持卡马拉·哈里斯而不是特朗普】 | Why, as a Republican mayor, I support Kamala Harris over Trump
- Washington Monthly 华盛顿月刊【数据不会说谎:哈里斯用事实驳斥特朗普关于经济的谎言】 | Data Don’t Lie: Harris Has the Facts to Refute Trump’s Lies About the Economy
Fox Host LOSES IT On Trump, Tells Him SHUT UP on Live TV!
Pete Buttitgieg HUMILIATES Trump Live on Fox... Host is STUNNED!
VoteVets 【皮特-巴蒂吉格完全知道特朗普为何退出辩论--他害怕卡马拉-哈里斯】
Pete Buttigieg Knows EXACTLY Why Trump Is Backing Out Of The Debates -- He's SCARED Of Kamala Harris
- Politico【哈里斯能否在三个月内取得胜利?三位顶级战略家阐述如何做到】 | Can Harris Pull Off a Victory in Three Months? Three Top Strategists Lay Out How
VERY SCARED Trump Officially CANCELS DEBATE with Kamala
- Raw Story【“卡玛拉刚刚搞垮了 Zoom”:13.6 万名白人女性克服通话故障筹集超过 100 万美元】 | 'Kamala just broke Zoom': 136K white women overcome glitchy call to raise over $1M
LIVE: Kamala Harris Delivers KEYNOTE SPEECH for American Federation of Teachers Convention
- New York Times 【特邀评论- 希拉里-克林顿:卡马拉-哈里斯如何赢得选举并创造历史】 | GUEST ESSAY Hillary Clinton: How Kamala Harris Can Win and Make History
- Politico 【福克斯新闻邀请哈里斯和特朗普参加9月17日在宾夕法尼亚州举行的辩论】 | Fox news invites Harris, Trump to Sept. 17 debate in Pennsylvania
LIVE: Harris delivers remarks in Indianapolis
- The Guardian 【卡玛拉-哈里斯和道格-艾默霍夫面临性别歧视和种族主义攻击的网络浪潮 | Kamala Harris and Doug Emhoff face online wave of sexist, racist attacks
Kamala Delivers INSTANT KARMA to Trump at FIRST RALLY]
- The Conversation【美国共和党对卡马拉-哈里斯的攻击已经很严重了--情况将变得更糟】 | GOP attacks against Kamala Harris were already bad – they are about to get worse
- Raw Story【报道:小肯尼迪与特朗普探讨以背书交易换取政府职位】 | RFK Jr. and Trump explored endorsement deal in exchange for administration post: report
- Salon【"诉讼必败” 法律专家给右翼威胁起诉哈里斯提名泼冷水】 | "The lawsuits will lose": Legal experts pour cold water on right-wing threat to sue over Harris nom
- The New Republic【卡马拉-哈里斯有两种超能力,这就是她所需要的】 | Kamala Harris Has Two Superpowers, and That’s All She Needs
LIVE: VP Kamala Harris FIRST APPEARANCE Since News
科纳基分析特朗普与哈里斯的对决将如何影响 2024 年大选
Kornacki breaks down how a Trump-Harris matchup would change the 2024 race
- New York Times 【社论:拜登做出了勇敢的选择。民主党人必须抓住机会。】 | Biden Made a Courageous Choice. Democrats Must Seize the Opportunity.
- Politico【议长约翰逊表示,如果拜登被取代,共和党人可能会提出质疑】 | Republicans could file challenges if Biden replaced, Speaker Johnson says
- New York Times 【民主党将如何取代拜登,选出总统候选人中的佼佼者?】 | How Will Democrats Replace Biden at the Top of the Presidential Ticket?
- Politico【她能赢吗?卡马拉-哈里斯为何无法摆脱对其政治前途的怀疑】 | ‘Can she win?’: Why Kamala Harris can’t shake doubts about her political future
- Salon【"一张我们能赢的票": 杰弗里斯扭转拜登下台的呼声】 | "A ticket we can win on": Jeffries reverses course on Biden ouster calls
VP Kamala Harris speaks at NC campaign event as Biden sidelined due to COVID-19
- New York Times 【联邦调查局告诉立法者,枪手搜索了特朗普和拜登的信息。】 | The gunman searched for information on both Trump and Biden, the F.B.I. tells lawmakers.
- Daily Beast【民主党主要捐赠人为拜登起草了 “我不干了 ”的演讲稿,因为资金枯竭】 | Major Dem Donor Drafts ‘I Quit’ Speech for Biden as Cash Dries Up
- AP News 美联社【乔-拜登总统在拉斯维加斯竞选时被检测出 COVID-19 阳性,症状 "轻微】 | President Joe Biden tests positive for COVID-19 while campaigning in Las Vegas, has ‘mild symptoms’
- Axios 【舒默和杰弗里斯悄悄推动推迟民主党全国委员会提名拜登的虚拟投票】 | Schumer and Jeffries quietly pushed to delay virtual DNC vote to nominate Biden
- HuffPost 【前共和党全国委员会(RNC)主席迈克尔-斯蒂尔就特朗普集会受伤一事提出 5 个尖锐问题】 | Ex-RNC Chair Michael Steele Asks 5 Pressing Questions About Trump's Rally Injuries
- HuffPost -赫芬顿邮报 【曾是拜登头号盟友的众议员亚当-希夫呼吁拜登退出竞选】Rep. | Adam Schiff, Once A Top Biden Ally, Calls For Him To Drop Out
- The Conversation【“距离内战只有一寸之遥”——特朗普险些遭枪杀也是对美国民主的一次惊险考验】 | ‘One inch from a potential civil war’ – near miss in Trump shooting is also a close call for American democracy
- Meidas News【"请杀了他"--亚历克斯-琼斯 6 个月前讨论过刺杀特朗普的好处】 | “Please Kill Him”— Alex Jones Discussed Benefits of Assassinating Trump 6 Months Ago
- 【The New Republic【特朗普在枪击案后的丑陋新咆哮瞬间破坏了他的 "团结 "支点】 | Trump’s Ugly New Post-Shooting Rant Instantly Wrecks His “Unity” Pivot
- MTN 视频【特朗普集会枪手家庭的惊人细节曝光】SHOCKING Details on HOME of Trump Rally Shooter EXPOSED
- The Guardian 【据报道,埃隆-马斯克计划每月向支持特朗普的超级党团捐款 4500 万美元】 | Elon Musk reportedly plans to give $45m a month to pro-Trump Super Pac
- The Philadelphia Inquirer【托马斯-马修-克鲁克斯为何试图暗杀唐纳德-特朗普,这对调查人员和他的前同学来说都是一个谜。】 | Why Thomas Matthew Crooks tried to assassinate Donald Trump is a mystery to investigators and his ex-classmates
- Meidas News 【独家:枪声响起时,我正在特朗普的集会现场。这就是我所看到的。】 | EXCLUSIVE: I Was At Trump’s Rally When Shots Broke Out. Here’s What I Saw.
- The New Republic【特朗普枪击案: 令人震惊的暴力时代最令人震惊的行为】 | The Trump Shooting: The Most Shocking Act of a Shockingly Violent Age
- MTN 视频 【拜登总统就特朗普集会枪击案向全国发表讲话】(美国中部时间:12:30 pm) | President Biden Addresses Nation on Trump Rally Shooting
- MTN 视频【枪击事件后特朗普的电子邮件曝光】 | Trump’s Emails DISCLOSED After SHOOTING INCIDENT
联邦调查局确认特朗普集会枪手身份... 令人震惊的细节公布
Trump Rally Shooter IDENTIFIED By FBI... SHOCKING Details Released!
Trump Rally Shooting Witness SPEAKS OUT in VIRAL Interview
Fox News【目击者描述宾夕法尼亚州特朗普集会上的枪击事件】
Eyewitness describes shooting at Trump rally in Pennsylvania
- ProPublica【富人基督徒的秘密组织“洗革拉”(Ziklag)试图左右选举和改变国家的内幕】 | Inside Ziklag, the Secret Organization of Wealthy Christians Trying to Sway the Election and Change the Country
- The Guardian【共和党参议员苏珊-柯林斯表示不会投票支持特朗普】 | Republican senator Susan Collins says she will not vote for Trump
- The Guardian-卫报【田纳西州选举负责人被指恐吓14,375名选民要求其证明公民身份】 | Tennessee elections chief accused of intimidation for telling 14,375 voters to prove citizenship
- Washington Post 【传统基金会的特朗普盟友提前宣布 2024 年大选非法】 | Trump allies at Heritage declare 2024 election illegitimate in advance
拜登在底特律集会上对欢呼的人群说 "我要竞选"(7月12日)
Biden says ‘I’m running’ to cheering crowd at Detroit rally
- Los Angeles Time 洛杉矶时报 【社论: 一位候选人显然不适合入主白宫。不是拜登】 | Editorial: One candidate is patently unfit for the White House. It’s not Biden
- The New Republic【令人震惊的民调显示特朗普的谎言可能是他的巨大弱点】 | Shocker Poll Suggests Trump’s Lying May Be Huge Weakness for Him
- Washington Post【观点:我们真的要给特朗普一张通行证吗?醒醒吧,各位。】 | Opinion Are we really going to give Trump a pass? C’mon, man.
- USA Today【观点:拜登无法击败特朗普,但民主党有办法选出更好的提名人】 | Biden can't beat Trump, but Democrats have a path to pick a better nominee
- Salon【唐纳德-特朗普假意拒绝 "2025 计划 "激怒了他的忠实粉丝】 | Donald Trump's fake rejection of Project 2025 has angered his biggest fans
- The Conversation【令人惊喜: 美国选民实际上在很多问题上意见基本一致,包括堕胎、移民和财富不平等等话题】 | Surprise: American voters actually largely agree on many issues, including topics like abortion, immigration and wealth inequality
- Salon【乔-拜登应该从希拉里-克林顿2016年的失利中学到的5个教训】5 Lessons Joe Biden should have learned from Hillary Clinton’s 2016 loss
- Northeastern Global News 【新报告称拜登在辩论中的糟糕表现几乎没有影响选民偏好】 | Biden’s poor debate performance had almost no impact on voter preference, new report says
- Meidas News【特朗普今年两次点名赞扬 “2025计划”所属集团的主席】 | Trump Praised President of Project 2025 Parent Group by Name Twice This Year
特朗普的第二个任期:2025计划 -上周今晚与约翰·奥利弗(HBO)
Trump’s Second Term: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
- The Nation【拜登不会在这种竞选活动中获胜, 总统说他不会屈服。】 | Biden Won’t Win With This Kind of Campaign The president says he won’t bow out.
- Are you f'ng kidding me?【对我来说,这次选举再一次具有深刻的个人意义。】 | Once again, for me - this election is deeply personal.
- Axios【与杰弗里斯的通话中众议院民主党高层称拜登应退出】 | Top House Democrats say Biden should drop out in call with Jeffries
- The Guardian【为什么专家们如此急切地想把拜登挤出竞选?】 | Why is the pundit class so desperate to push Biden out of the race?
- Politico【安吉-克雷格成为第一位在战场上呼吁拜登退出的民主党人】 | Angie Craig is first battleground House Dem to call for Biden to withdraw
July 4th LIVE: Biden hosts barbecue for service members and families
- New York Times【拜登告诉盟友他正在权衡是否继续参选】 | Biden Told Ally That He Is Weighing Whether to Continue in the Race
- USA Today【呼吁换掉拜登与对特朗普的沉默?美国已经失去了政治头脑。】 | Calls to replace Biden vs. silence on Trump? America has lost its political mind.
- USA Today【曾预测过去10次选举中9次结果的历史学家称民主党人不应放弃乔-拜登】 | Historian who predicted 9 of the last 10 election results says Democrats shouldn't drop Joe Biden
- New York Times【这真的是我们拥有的最佳竞选人吗?读者讨论总统辩论】 | ‘Is This Seriously the Best We Have?’: Readers Discuss the Debate
- The Bulwark【以下是 CNN 在辩论中应如何处理特朗普的问题。但 CNN 不会这么做。】 | Here’s How CNN Should Handle Trump at the Debate. But Won’t.
- CNN【CNN事实核查特朗普重复的谎言:】摘要 | Trump made more than 30 false claims during CNN’s presidential debate — far more than Biden
- PolitiFact【2024 年总统辩论事实核查: 乔-拜登和唐纳德-特朗普的准确度如何?】 | 2024 presidential debate fact-check: How accurate were Joe Biden, Donald Trump?
- The New Republic 【特朗普出于某种原因透露了他愚蠢的辩论要点】 | Trump Reveals His Idiotic Debate Talking Points for Some Reason
- Hopium Chronicles By Simon Rosenberg【为什么我乐观地认为我们会赢(新视频),我给乔-拜登的辩论建议,让我们在六月再接再厉!!!!】 | Why I Am Optimistic We Will Win (New Video), My Debate Advice To Joe Biden, Let Keep Making June Count!!!!
- The New Republic 【拜登团队的辩论任务: 别让特朗普带偏了】 | Team Biden’s Debate Assignment: Don’t Let Trump Win the Spin
- New York Times【观点-希拉里-克林顿:我与特朗普和拜登都辩论过。我在关注什么?】 | Hillary Clinton: I’ve Debated Trump and Biden. Here’s What I’m Watching For.
- Raw Story【观点:特朗普搞砸了美国的疫情应对措施——但第二个任期将更具灾难性】 | Trump botched America’s pandemic response — but a 2nd term would be even more catastrophic
- Center of American Progress - 【极右翼邀请外国干涉美国选举】 | The Far Right’s Invitation for Foreign Interference in U.S. Elections
- X 【一目了然:拜登 vs.特朗普 - 谁更有资格当总统?】 | At a Glance: Biden v. Trump - Who's More Qualified to Be President?
- Politico【这个城市的黑人选民可以决定 2024 年。但对拜登来说情况看起来不太好】 | Black Voters in This City Could Determine 2024. And It’s Not Looking Good for Biden.
- The New Republic【小罗伯特-肯尼迪因未获得辩论资格而大放专制主义厥词】 | RFK Jr. Goes on Authoritarian Rant Over Not Qualifying for Debate
- The Guardian - 卫报【拜登神情失落的视频是一种病毒式政治策略:"低级的操纵手段”】 | Videos of Biden looking lost are a viral political tactic: ‘low-level manipulation’
- The Nation - 国家周刊【特朗普的定罪据称会提高他的声望。但事实并非如此。】 | Trump’s Conviction Was Supposed to Boost His Popularity.
- Wisconsin Examiner【特朗普告诉众议院共和党人密尔沃基是一座 "可怕的城市”】 | Trump tells House Republicans Milwaukee is a ‘horrible city’
- Medias News 【小肯尼迪主动提出为他的孩子办理假的大学疫苗卡】 | RFK Jr. Offered to Get Fake Vaccine Cards for His Kids for College
- USA Today【唐纳德-特朗普的有罪判决是否赶走了关键选民?以下是早期民调结果。】 | Did Donald Trump's guilty verdict drive away pivotal voters? Here's what the early polls say.
- New York Times - 纽约时报【谎言世界中的共和党选举办事员与特朗普死忠粉】 | A Republican Election Clerk vs. Trump Die-Hards in a World of Lies
- Jack Hopkins【重要的紧急信息: 我们可以解除他们拥有的唯一武器】 | An Urgent Message of Importance: We Can Neutralize the Only Weapon They Have
- USA Today【我不喜欢特朗普的有罪判决迫使保守派问自己的问题】 | I don't like the questions Trump's guilty verdict forces conservatives to ask ourselves
- Washington Post【观点:对抗病毒式虚假信息的最佳方式是什么?看看南佛罗里达州】 | Opinion What’s the best way to fight viral disinformation? Look to South Florida.
- The New Republic【特朗普在副总统人选上的失败暗示了更深层次的问题】 | Trump’s Disastrous Veep Search Hints at a Deeper Problem
- New York Times【民主党通过提名计划,以便拜登名列俄亥俄州选票】 | Democrats Adopt Nomination Plan to Allow Biden on the Ohio Ballot
- Forbes-福布斯【小肯尼迪发起2024年独立竞选:他宣扬的所有阴谋--从疫苗到大规模枪击事件】 | RFK Jr. Launches Independent 2024 Run: Here Are All The Conspiracies He Promotes—From Vaccines To Mass Shootings
- Reuters - 路透社【特朗普在自由党大会上遭到喧闹人群的嘘声和嘲笑】 | Trump booed and heckled by raucous crowd at Libertarian convention
- New York Times【竞选搭档的历史:10 亿美元、可卡因、与埃隆-马斯克的暧昧关系】 | A Running Mate’s History: $1 Billion, Cocaine, a Fling With Elon Musk
- Washington Post【法尼-威利斯和特朗普佐治亚州案主审法官赢得选举】 | Fani Willis and presiding judge in Trump Georgia case win elections
- The New Republic【拜登可能不会赢得辩论,但特朗普一定会输掉辩论】 | Biden Might Not Win the Debates—but Trump Will Definitely Lose Them
- New York Time【共和党人、佐治亚州前副州长杰夫·邓肯表示,他将投票给拜登】 | Election Updates: Georgia’s Republican former lieutenant governor says he will vote for Biden.
- The Nation【尼基-黑莉的 “僵尸竞选 ”正吸引摇摆州共和党人远离特朗普】 | Nikki Haley’s Zombie Campaign Is Drawing Swing-State Republicans Away from Trump
- Raw Story【特朗普承诺 "积极 "干预战场州选举】 | Trump promises ‘aggressive’ election interference in battleground states
- Raw Story【挺特朗普的新闻网与 Smartmatic 就选举舞弊诽谤索赔达成和解】 | Pro-Trump news network settles election fraud defamation claim with Smartmatic
- Time【在堕胎禁令之后,亚利桑那州刚刚成为 2024 年政治中最重要的州】 | After Abortion Ban, Arizona Just Became the Most Important State in 2024 Politics
- Washington Post【观点:三种摇摆选民--以及他们为何不支持特朗普或拜登】 | The three kinds of swing voters — and why they aren’t with Trump or Biden
- New York Times 【特朗普的支持者下定决心这次不会再搞砸了】 | Trump’s Backers Are Determined Not to Blow It This Time Around
- JSONLINE【比斯:唐纳德-特朗普减去 12 万张威斯康星州共和党选票,成为周二最大输家】 | Bice: Donald Trump, minus 120,000 Wisconsin GOP votes, becomes Tuesday's biggest loser
- Politico【总统初选已经结束,但威斯康星州今天的选举依然重要】 | The presidential primary is over, but Wisconsin’s election today still matters
- The Good in Us【民主党人可以庆祝的 7 个理由】 | 7-reasons-democrats-can-celebrate 7 Reasons Democrats Can Celebrate
- USA Today【小肯尼迪将宣布竞选伙伴。他的支持率不断上升,但资金紧张】 | RFK Jr. to announce running mate. His support is growing, but cash is tight
- JSONLINE 【拜登和民主党人在威斯康星州的困境:历史上最大的热情差距】 | The dilemma for Biden and Democrats in Wisconsin: a historically high enthusiasm gap
- New York Times 【观点:说到政治,我们中有人真的为自己着想吗?】 | When It Comes to Politics, Are Any of Us Really Thinking for Ourselves?
- The Nation【为什么政治媒体不能说出关于特朗普的真相?他想当独裁者。】 | Why Can't the Political Press Just Say the Truth About Trump? He Wants to Be a Dictator.
- USA Today【我给特朗普投了两次票。利兹-切尼的书和司法部 1 月 6 日的起诉书改变了我的想法】 | I voted for Trump – twice. Liz Cheney's book and DOJ's Jan. 6 indictment changed my mind
- Raw Story【报道:罗伯特-胡尔在 "特朗普世界人物 "的帮助下,在众议院听证会前辞职】 | Robert Hur resigns ahead of House hearing with help from 'Trumpworld figures': report
- NY1 News【拜登竞选团队在 "国情咨文 "期间创下最佳筹款日,并宣布了新的战场州摇摆计划】 | Biden campaign notches best fundraising day during State of the Union, announces new battleground state swing
- L O L G O P【如果 2024 是关于自由的,特朗普就输了。这就是他大喊 "边境 "的原因】If 2024 is about freedom, Trump loses. That’s why he's yelling about ‘the border’
- Ahmed Baba【拜登如何针对特朗普的弱点争取黑莉的选民】 | How Biden Can Target Trump’s Weaknesses And Try To Win Over Haley Voters
- Raw Story【特朗普的糟糕之夜。专家称 "超级星期二 "预示大选之夜将有麻烦】 | 'Bad night for Trump': Experts say Super Tuesday signaled election night trouble ahead
- Politico 【关于 11 月大选,"超级星期二 "告诉我们 7 件事】 | 7 things Super Tuesday just taught us about the November election
- Washington Post【在美属萨摩亚党团会议上击败拜登的民主党人杰森-帕尔默是谁?】 | Who is Jason Palmer, the Democrat who beat Biden in American Samoa’s caucuses?
- Washington Post【尼基-黑莉在佛蒙特州击败特朗普,意外赢得超级星期二选举】 | Nikki Haley gets a surprise Super Tuesday win, beating Trump in Vermont
- USA Today【尼基-黑莉在华盛顿特区初选中击败特朗普,赢得角逐美国共和党总统候选人提名的首场胜利】 | Nikki Haley notches first win in bid for GOP presidential nomination, upsets Trump in DC primary
- Washington Post【早期初选数据告诉我们特朗普选民基本盘的变化】 | What the early primaries tell us about Trump’s changing base
- Ahmed Baba【初选结果揭示了共和党的分歧和特朗普的大选漏洞 】 | Primary Results Reveal Republican Divisions And Trump's General Election Vulnerabilities
- Washington Post【他们放弃了特朗普。她们会让保守派同胞投票给拜登吗?】 | They renounced Trump. Will they get fellow conservatives to vote Biden?
- USA Today【尼基-黑利在南卡罗来纳州的支持率为 40%: 是她的惨败还是唐纳德-特朗普的 "五级火警"?】 | Nikki Haley's 40% in South Carolina: A crushing loss for her or a '5-alarm fire' for Donald Trump?
- The Daily Beast【观点:给特朗普投票就是给普京投票--世界岌岌可危】 | A Vote for Trump Is a Vote for Putin—and a World in Danger
- New York Times【观点:拜登有可能输掉密歇根州大选,进而输掉整个大选】 | Biden Is in Danger of Losing Michigan, and With It the Whole Election
- Right Wing Watch【《上帝与国家》纪录片凸显基督教民族主义的威胁和2024年大选的利害关系】 | ‘God & Country’ Documentary Highlights Threat of Christian Nationalism, Stakes of 2024 Election
- Forbes【最新消息:最高法院允许制裁西德尼-鲍威尔和其他 "克拉肯 "律师】 | Supreme Court Allows Sanctions Against Sidney Powell And Other ‘Kraken’ Attorneys
- New York Times【观点:特朗普曼哈顿案的利害关系远不止封口费那么简单】 | There Is Much More at Stake in Trump’s Manhattan Case Than Just Hush Money
- The Telegraph【唐纳德-特朗普支持他的儿媳领导共和党全国委员会(RNC)】 | Donald Trump endorses daughter-in-law to lead Republican National Committee
- AP-美联社【威斯康星州民主党州长在共和党通过新立法地图后将其签署为法律】 | Wisconsin’s Democratic governor signs his new legislative maps into law after Republicans pass them
- Hopium Chronicles【帮助 Tom Suozzi 强势收官,吉尔·拜登博士给我们所有人的鼓舞人心的来信】 | Helping Tom Suozzi Close Strong, Dr. Jill Biden's Inspiring Note To All Of Us
- The Bulwark【2024年的决定:一个“善意”的老人与一个腐败的老人】Decision 2024: | A ‘Well-Meaning’ Old Man vs. a Corrupt Old Man
- Washington Post【观点: 纽约特别选举向民主党发出一个信息】 | Opinion New York’s special election sends a message to the Democrats
- Salon【"特朗普不是一个选项--他们已经和他玩完了": 可被说服的 "共和党人是新的 #NeverTrump 吗?】 | "Trump is not an option—they are done with him": Are "persuadable" Republicans the new #NeverTrump?
- The New Republic【如今我只质疑主流媒体的精神敏锐度】Only Mental Acuity I’m Questioning TheseDays Is the Mainstream Media’s
- Washington Post【特朗普以 2024 年大选为由,要求最高法院暂停 1 月 6 日的审判】 | Trump asks Supreme Court to keep Jan. 6 trial on hold, citing 2024 election
- NBC News【1月6日的最新视频显示,暴徒在国会大厦袭击期间向空中开枪】 | New Jan. 6 footage appears to show rioter firing a gun in the air during Capitol attack
- Raw Story【福音派传教士:只要特朗普获胜,引发内战也是 "值得的”】 | Trump winning and causing a civil war would be 'worth it': evangelical preacher
- CNN【最高法院对特朗普第 14 修正案口头辩论的要点】 | Takeaways from the Supreme Court oral arguments on the Trump 14th Amendment case
- The Conversation【种族已经成为2024年总统大选的主题--延续美国传统】 | Race is already a theme of the 2024 presidential election – continuing an American tradition
- Raw Story【长达 56 年之久的美国共和党叛国和非法总统危机再次发生】 | The 56-year-long crisis of treasonous and illegitimate GOP presidents is happening again
- Politico【“我党的战略失误": 民主党高层就边境问题发声】 | ‘A Strategic Mistake on the Part of My Party’: A Top Dem Speaks Out on the Border
- Huffpost【据报道,联邦调查局在搜查 Mar-A-Lago 文件时遗漏了 "隐藏房间】 | FBI Reportedly Missed 'Hidden Room' During Mar-A-Lago Document Search
- NBC News【2023 年最后六个月,特朗普竞选筹款中超过 2700 万美元用于支付法律费用】 | More than $27M in Trump campaign fundraising went to legal costs in the last six months of 2023
- The Guardians【法尼-威利斯批评特朗普前幕僚在利益冲突的指称中 "疯狂而鲁莽 "的猜测 - 直播】 | Fani Willis criticizes ‘wild and reckless’ speculation in conflict of interest claims by former Trump staffer – live
- VOX【特朗普在选举日之前被定罪的可能性已经下降 】 | The chances that Trump will be a convicted felon by Election Day have dropped
- Politico【即使作为独立候选人,小肯尼迪仍从特朗普捐助者那里获得更多支持】 | RFK Jr. is still drawing more backing from Trump donors, even as an independent
- Ahmed Baba【特朗普的初选表现预示着大选失利的结局】 | Trump's Primary Performances Foreshadow Recipe For General Election Loss
- Raw Story【捏造的无稽之谈, 抹黑法尼-威利斯不会让唐纳德在佐治亚州脱身】 | Trumped-up nonsense: Smearing Fani Willis won’t get Donald off the hook in Georgia
- Axios【黑莉表示,共和党全国委员会“显然不是”共和党初选中的诚实经纪人】 | Haley says RNC "clearly not" honest broker in Republican primary
- Washington Post【观点 - 当然,特朗普和拜登都老了。相似之处到此为止】Opinion Sure, Trump and Biden are old. The similarities end there
- 耶路撒冷邮报【美国最新研究显示,这一问题可能会让唐纳德-特朗普在 2024 年的大选中失利】 | This issue could cost Donald Trump the 2024 election, new US study shows
- The Markup【第二代美国人:当亲人分享错误信息时该怎么办 ?】 | Second-Generation Americans: What to Do When Loved Ones Are Sharing Misinformation
- 路透社【尼基-黑莉在南卡罗来纳州家中成为 "拍打 "事件的目标】 | Nikki Haley targeted in 'swatting' incident at her South Carolina home
- Politica【观点|特朗普的最高法院大法官必须把他踢出选票】 | Opinion | Trump’s Supreme Court Justices Must Kick Him Off the Ballot
- Newsweek【让媒体摆脱困境,结束这些虚假的初选 - 观点】 | Put the Media Out of Its Misery and End These Sham Primaries | Opinion
- The Bulwark【如果特朗普成为共和党提名人,取消2024年总统辩论】 | Cancel the 2024 Presidential Debates if Trump Is the GOP Nominee
- Ahmed Baba【爱荷华州党团会议结果暴露出特朗普在大选中的弱点】 | Trump's General Election Weakness Exposed In Iowa Caucus Results
- Washington Press【无效:在总统候选人的申报材料中发现已故选民的签名】| INVALIDATED: Dead voters' signatures found in presidential candidate's filings