X 帖子:【12条视频 - 周二投票前所有选民都该看的】12 Videos that All Voters Should Watch Before Voting on Tuesday.

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X 帖子 作者:Brian Krassenstein @krassenstein

长串帖子:12 条在周二投票前所有选民都该看的视频。我希望在接下来的三天里,这个主题能成为 X 上被分享次数最多的主题。

  • 1.Epstein 说他是特朗普 "最亲密的朋友"。

  • 2.名模斯泰西-威廉姆斯(Stacey Williams)说,爱泼斯坦把她带到特朗普家中,然后特朗普对她进行了性侵犯。

  • 3.特朗普说:"(莉兹-切尼)是一个非常愚蠢的人。 她是一个激进的战争鹰派。 我们让她站在有枪的地方,有九个枪管正对着她。让我们看看她会有什么感觉,你知道枪口正对着她的脸。“

  • 4.特朗普谈论在他的选美比赛上撞见正在换衣服的裸体美女,并谈论抓女人的阴部。

  • 5.特朗普的种族主义MAGA集会,他称之为“爱情盛宴”:

  • 6.特朗普称美国为 "垃圾桶"

  • 7.据四星上将约翰·凯利称,特朗普多次评论说“希特勒做了一些好事”:

  • 8.特朗普试图亲吻一名年轻女孩,但被拒绝了:

  • 9.特朗普将美军士兵严重的脑外伤淡化为 "头痛"。

  • 10.特朗普谈论阿诺德-帕默斯的生殖器:

  • 11.特朗普(兜售)的所有礼物:

  • 12.特朗普暗示,他制止犯罪的想法是允许 "真正暴力的一天......我是说真正粗暴的一天......" 请在接下来的几天里重新分享所有这些内容


THREAD: 12 Videos that All Voters Should Watch Before Voting on Tuesday.

I want this thread to be the most shared on X over the next 3 days.

#1 Epstein says he was Trump’s “closest friend”.

#2 Model Stacey Williams says that Epstein took her to Trump’s home where Trump then sexually assaulted her.

#3 Trump says "[Liz Cheney] is a very dumb individual. She’s a radical war-hawk. Let’s put her there with the rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her. Let’s see how she feels about it, you know where the guns are trained at her face.”

#4 Trump Talking about walking in on n-ked women getting dressed at his pageant, and talking about grabbing women by the p-ssy.

#5 Trump’s Racist MSG Rally that he called a “love fest”:

#6 Trump Calls America a “Garbage Can”

#7 Trump commented multiple times that “Hitler did some good things,” according to 4-star General John Kelly:

#8 Trump Tries to Kiss a young Girl and is turned away:

#9 Trump Downplays serious Traumatic Brain Injuries to US soldiers as “headaches”.

#10 Trump talks about Arnold Palmers genitals:

#11 All of Trump’s Grifts:

#12 Trump implies that his idea for stopping crime is to allow for “one really violent day… I mean real rough...”

Please Reshare all of these over the next few days



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