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唐·温斯洛 | 2020年9月8日

”我要建一堵很大,很大的墙。“ (特朗普)唐纳德-特朗普对你撒过的最大的谎不是说墨西哥将为隔离墙买单, "墨西哥将为隔离墙买单"(特朗普);不是说他有比奥巴马医改更好的医疗计划, "我们将在两周内签署一项医疗计划"(特朗普)。也不是说他将在就任总统后公布他的纳税情况。"它们极其复杂......人们不会理解它们。"(特朗普)。

唐纳德-特朗普最大的谎言就是让你相信他和你一样。他让 6200 万辛勤工作的美国人相信,他是他们中的一员。但你们知道这不是真的。事实是,他和你们根本不是一路人。




(越战:50 年后的美国历史)


当你开始创业时,你拼尽全力,白手起家。唐纳德-特朗普的父亲给了他 1100 万美元让他开始创业,并且在他每次遇到困难时都不断给他贷款。唐纳德-特朗普一生中从未辛苦工作过一天。

(特朗普:我父亲给了我 100 万美元的 "小额贷款" /CNN)。

[然而,《纽约时报》对机密纳税申报单和财务记录的调查显示,特朗普总统从他父亲持有的房地产中获得了相当于今天至少 4.13 亿美元的收入。]


当你的小企业陷入困境时,你会咬紧牙关,更加努力地工作,做出牺牲,直到重新站起来。唐纳德-特朗普曾 6 次宣布破产。看吧。唐纳德-特朗普和你完全不一样。

(福克斯商业:美国第二季度有 185 万家企业倒闭或临时停业(奥克斯福德信息技术有限公司))。

你没有被 30 名女性指控性侵犯或强奸。你没有破坏家庭或把孩子关在笼子里。你们没有让俄罗斯悬赏美国士兵的人头。你没有骂美国士兵和退伍军人是失败者和笨蛋。你没有因为渎职而造成超过18.5万人死亡(至2020年9月)。你一点也不像唐纳德-特朗普。





Don Winslow | 2020年9月8日

"I will build a great, great wall."(-Donald Trump) The greatest lie Donald Trump ever told you wasn't that Mexico was going to pay for the wall. "and Mexico will pay for the wall"(-Donald Trump); or that he had a better healthcare plan than Obamacare."We're signing a healthcare plan within two weeks."(-Donald Trump); or that he would release his taxes after he became president. “They're extremely complex... people wouldn't understand them.”(-Donald Trump)

Donald Trump's greatest lie was convincing you that he was like you. He convinced 62 million hard working Americans that he was one of them. But you know that is not true. The truth is that he's nothing like you.


When you, your father or grandfather was drafted to sever in Vietnam...the call was answered. Donald Trump got five determents. "We drafted the lowest income level of America and the highest level found a doctor that would say that they had a bone spur. That is wrong."(-Sen John McCain)

(New York Times:Did Pres. Trump dodge the vietnam war?)

(Vietnam War:50 Years Later - American History)


When you started your business you scratched together every nickle you had and built something from nothing. Donald Trump's father gave him 11 million dollars to start his business and just kept giving him loans everytime he got into trouble. Donald Trump has never worked a hard day in his entire life.

(Trump:My father gave me a "small loan" of $1 million /CNN)

[However, a New York Times investigation of confidential tax returns and financial records reveals that President Trump received the equivalent today of at least $413 million from the real estate holdings of his father.]


When you small business was in trouble, you knuckled down, worked harder and made sacrifices until you got back on your feet. Donald Trump declared bankruptcy 6 times. See. Donald Trump is nothing like you.

(Fox Business: 1.85 Million US businesses closed or temp shut down during 2Q (Oxxford Information Technology LTD))

You haven't been accused by 30 woman of sexual assault or rape. You haven't destroyed families or put children in cages. You haven't let Russia put bounties on American soldiers' heads. You haven't called American soldiers and Veterans losers and suckers. You aren't responsible for over 185,000 deaths because you failed to do your job. You're nothing like Donald Trump.

(Covid 19 Confirmed Deaths in USA (chart)

Remember that when you vote.


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