堕胎权利 Abortion Right
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- Des Moines Register【我曾投票支持取缔堕胎的人。后来,我看到了投资于人是如何大大减少堕胎的。】 | I voted for people who would outlaw abortion. Then I saw how investing in people reduces abortions much more.
- Washington Post 【每位参议员是如何在《避孕权利法案》表决中投票的】every senator voted on advancing the Right to Contraception Act
- Abortion, Everyday 【佛罗里达州共和党人违反法律,禁止堕胎】 | Florida Republicans Are Breaking the Law to Keep Abortion Banned
- Politico【共和党全国委员会批准删除党纲中国家对堕胎的限制 】 | RNC committee approves dropping national limits on abortion from party platform
- HuffPost - 赫芬顿邮报【早在《罗伊诉韦德案》判决之前,“怀孕警察 ”就已存在】 | The ‘Pregnancy Police’ Were Around Long Before Roe v. Wade Fell
- The New Republic【共和党人正在加倍(甚至三倍)地强化堕胎限制】 | Republicans Are Doubling (and Tripling) Down on Abortion Restrictions
- The Nation【特朗普在堕胎问题上的唯一立场就是不惜一切代价争取再任】 | Trump’s Only Position on Abortion Is to Say Whatever It Takes to Get Reelected
- The Nation【阿拉巴马州的试管婴儿裁决是伪装成法律的基督教神学】 | Alabama’s IVF Ruling Is Christian Theology Masquerading as Law