移民问题 Immigration Issues
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- NBC News【特朗普可能会驱逐拜登允许合法进入美国的数十万移民】may deport hundreds of thousands of migrants whom Biden allowed to legally enter U.S.
- MSNBC 【观点: 司法部对新纳粹组织的重大打击如何与 MAGA 的世界观相悖】 | How the DOJ’s major takedown of a neo-Nazi group contradicts MAGA’s worldview
- WSJ - 华尔街日报【特朗普竞选团队在被告知谣言不实后,如何散布移民吃宠物的谣言】 | How the Trump Campaign Ran With Rumors About Pet-Eating Migrants—After Being Told They Weren’t True
- Media Matters【福克斯的移民-流离失所者-退伍军人消息来源被控欺诈。福克斯电视台对此只字不提】 | Fox’s migrants-displaced-vets source was charged with fraud. The network hasn’t mentioned it.
- Time【纽约首次移民危机对当今移民问题的启示】 | What New York’s First Migrant Crisis Can Teach Us About Immigration Today
- Azcentral【观点:为什么拉肯-莱利的谋杀案是全国性新闻,而普雷斯顿-洛德的谋杀案却不是】 | Why Laken Riley’s murder is a national story and Preston Lord’s is not
- L O L G O P【如果 2024 是关于自由的,特朗普就输了。这就是他大喊 "边境 "的原因】If 2024 is about freedom, Trump loses. That’s why he's yelling about ‘the border’
- The New Republic【共和党现在拥有边境。民主党应如何确保这次机会】 | The GOP Owns the Border Now. Here’s How Democrats Make Sure of It.
- The New Republic【为什么迈克-约翰逊会因为边境协议而让MAGA崩溃?】 | Why Mike Johnson Is Having a MAGA Meltdown Over the Border Deal
- Washington Press【车队:抗议者出现在得克萨斯州边境,失望无处不在】 | CONVOY: Protestors show up at Texas border and disappointment is everywhere
- 卫报【拜登誓言如果参议院通过移民法案将 "关闭边境”】 | Biden vows to ‘shut down the border’ if Senate immigration bill is passed
- 卫报【参议员称,尽管特朗普极力阻挠,但美国边境政策协议仍有望达成】US border policy deal within reach despite efforts by Trump to derail it, senators say