拜登政府 Biden Administration
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- CBS News【白宫公布拜登医生的信,回应有关帕金森病专家白宫出诊的质疑】 | White House releases letter from Biden's doctor after questions about Parkinson's specialist's White House visits
- The Daily Item【根据拜登的一项全面新计划,50 万移民最终将获得美国公民身份】 | Half a million immigrants could eventually get US citizenship under a sweeping new plan from Biden
- New York Times - 纽约时报【进步人士敦促拜登在 “贪婪膨胀 ”问题上加大力度】 | Progressives Urge Biden to Push Harder on ‘Greedflation’
- Time - 时代周刊【阅读乔-拜登总统接受《时代》周刊采访的完整文字记录稿】 | Read the Full Transcript of President Joe Biden’s Interview With TIME
- The Bulwark【拜登试图在移民问题上 “翻转剧本”。国会山不确定。】 | Biden Tries Flipping the Script on Immigration. Capitol Hill is unsure.
- New York Times【拜登不是第一位切断对以色列武器供应的美国总统】 | Biden Is Not the First U.S. President to Cut Off Weapons to Israel
- Letters from a American - 2024年5月8日 【拜登到访威州拉辛(Racine),宣布微软将在当地投资33亿美元】 | Letters from an American-May 8, 2024
- Washington Post 【拜登在谈到自己的年龄时说,“看着我”。周四晚上,人们会的】 | Biden, on his age, says, ‘Watch me.’ On Thursday night, they will.
- NBC News【白宫医生在总统年度体检后称拜登 "适合任职”】 | White House doctor says Biden is 'fit for duty' after the president's annual physical
- Politico【白宫在马约卡斯弹劾案中的应对计划: 忽略戏剧性,外包斗争】 | The White House plan for the Mayorkas impeachment: Ignore the drama, outsource the fight
- Simon Rosenberg【重建得更好/重建得更美--乔-拜登的历史性机遇】 | Build Back Better/Reconstruir Mejor - Joe Biden's Historic Opportunity
- Meidas Touch【福克斯播放经过剪辑的片段,散布拜登在威斯康星州演讲的谎言】 | Fox Plays Edited Clip To Spread Lies About Biden Speech In Wisconsin
- Navigator Research【民意调查:拜登最受欢迎的成就包括降低药价和投资基础设施】 Lowering Drug Prices and Investing in Infrastructure are Most Popular and Known Biden Accomplishments
- 微信号 四海之内【一·六国会暴乱3周年,拜登讲话痛斥川普(全文译注)】 | Remarks by President Biden on the Third Anniversary of the January 6th Attack and Defending the Sacred Cause of American Democracy | Blue Bell, PA