巴以冲突 Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
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- WSJ - 华尔街日报【以色列人质遭杀害前被关进狭小隧道,用瓶子当厕所】 | Before Being Killed, Israeli Hostages Held in Tiny Tunnel With Bottles for a Bathroom
- Times of Israel - 以色列时报【‘必须敲响警钟’:赫什-戈德伯格-波林的家人同意公布哈马斯的宣传短片】 | 'It must serve as a wakeup call': Hersh Goldberg-Polin’s family approves publication of Hamas propaganda clip
- Mediaite【美国公共广播公司(PBS)记者就特朗普干预加沙停火谈判的言论道歉】 | PBS Correspondent Issues Apology for Comments About Trump Interference in Gaza Ceasefire Talks
- The Nation 【以色列将饥饿作为战争武器。愤怒在哪里?】 | Israel Is Using Starvation as a Weapon of War. Where Is the Outrage?
- WSJ 华尔街日报【伊朗空袭导致哈马斯加沙停火主要倡导者死亡】 | Strike in Iran Kills Hamas’s Leading Advocate for a Gaza Cease-Fire
- Business Insider【专家称:哈马斯高级领导人在伊朗后院被杀对伊朗来说是 “羞辱”】 | The killing of a top Hamas leader in its backyard is ‘humiliating’ for Iran, experts say
- JP-耶路撒冷邮报【独家:本刊获得人质家属打算分发给美国国会议员的书籍全文】Exclusive: | 'Post' obtains full text of book hostage families intend to distribute to US congressman
- Truthout【以色列正在杀害加沙的医务工作者。这位医生亲眼目睹了这一结果。】 | Israel Is Killing Gaza’s Medical Workers. This Doctor Saw the Results Firsthand.
- Tagesspiegel - 德国明镜【"任何认为我们可以消灭哈马斯的人都是错误的”: 以色列军方发言人哈加里质疑战争目标--并遭到内塔尼亚胡的斥责】 | „Wer glaubt, wir könnten Hamas ausschalten, irrt“
- JPost - 耶路撒冷邮报【拉法哈马斯的半数营队被击溃,以色列国防军将在两周内获得完全控制权】 | Half of Hamas in Rafah beaten, IDF will gain full control in two weeks
- JPost - 耶路撒冷邮报【观看: 亚马姆如何在与敌人激烈交火下解救人质】 | Watch: How Yamam rescued the hostages under heavy enemy fire
- The Guardian-卫报【我在美国机场被扣留了两个小时,并被问及以色列和加沙问题。为什么?】 | I was detained at a US airport and asked about Israel and Gaza for 2 hours. Why?
- The Conversation【以色列与哈马斯网络战内幕】A look inside the cyberwar between Israel and Hamas reveals the civilian toll
- Ynet News【绝密:内塔尼亚胡在 2018 年的一封信中要求卡塔尔资助哈马斯】 | Top Secret: In a 2018 letter, Netanyahu asks Qatar to fund Hamas
- The Jerusalem Post 【哈马斯同意达成协议--协议内容是什么?- 报告】 | Hamas agreed to a deal - What does it entail? - report
- USA Today【哥伦比亚大学如何成为以哈战争分歧的中心】 | How Columbia University became the epicenter of disagreement over the Israel-Hamas war
- Columbia Spectator 哥伦比亚观察者(学生校刊)【商学院教授 沙伊-大卫戴在计划进入晨兴校园之前被拒绝进入校园】[ https://www.columbiaspectator.com/news/2024/04/23/business-school-professor-shai-davidai-denied-access-to-morningside-campus-ahead-of-planned-entry-into-encampment/ | Business School professor Shai Davidai denied access to Morningside campus ahead of planned entry into encampment]
- The Time of Israel 以色列时报【报道: 以色列袭击伊朗的目标是纳坦兹附近的军事基地,而非核设施本身】 | Report: Target of Israeli strike in Iran was military base near Natanz, not nuclear facilities themselves
- Metro【至少 50 人 "在 "超新星音乐节袭击事件后 "自杀身亡】 | At least 50 people 'have killed themselves after' surviving Nova festival attack
- The Guardian【机器冷酷无情地完成了任务:以色列利用人工智能识别了 37000 个哈马斯目标】 | The machine did it coldly’: Israel used AI to identify 37,000 Hamas targets
- Politico【美国允许通过呼吁加沙停火的联合国决议,引发以色列报复】 | US allows passage of UN resolution calling for cease-fire in Gaza, prompting retaliation from Israel
- AP【美国军用飞机在紧急人道主义援助行动中向加沙空投数千份食物】 | US military aircraft airdrop thousands of meals into Gaza in emergency humanitarian aid operation
- ABC News 【拜登称美国将在未来几天向加沙空投援助物资】 | Biden says US to carry out airdrops of aid into Gaza in coming days
- Newsweek【我的巴勒斯坦同胞们: 是时候摆脱我们的领导人,接受以色列的和平建议了-观点】 | My Fellow Palestinians: It's Time to Get Rid of Our Leaders and Accept Israel's Offers for Peace | Opinion
- Axios【独家新闻 以色列提议在加沙暂停战斗两个月以释放所有人质】 | Scoop: Israel proposes 2-month fighting pause in Gaza for release of all hostages