宗教议题 Religious Issues
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- The New Republic【“文化基督徒”正在接管保守派运动】 | The “Cultural Christians” Are Taking Over the Conservative Movement
- Newsweek【观点:福音派能在讲道坛上政治化的情况下生存吗?】 | Can Evangelicalism Survive With Politics in the Pulpit? | Opinion
- Newsweek【观点:我是比利-葛培理的孙女,我要投票给卡玛拉-哈里斯】 | I'm Billy Graham's Granddaughter and I'm Voting for Kamala Harris | Opinion
- Rolling Stone 【基督徒为卡玛拉竞选造势:“特朗普破坏了耶稣的工作”】 | Christians Campaign for Harris: ‘Trump Undermines the Work of Jesus’
- The Independent【事实证明,特朗普的《上帝保佑美国》圣经是中国制造的】 | It turns out Trump's ‘God Bless the USA' Bibles were made in China
- The Intellectualist 【浮士德式的交易:福音派如何接受了耶稣拒绝的交易】 | The Faustian Bargain: How Evangelicals Took the Deal Jesus Rejected
- POLITICO 【共和党人推动基督教进入公立学校遭遇阻力--即使在红州也是如此】 | Republicans pushing Christianity into public schools are hitting resistance — even in red states
God Bless the USA Bible 🇺🇸 An Honest Review of the Bible Endorsed by Donald Trump
- Right Wing Watch 右翼观察【这不是自愿的:基督教民族主义者阐述他们的议程】 | It’s Not Gonna Be By Choice: Christian Nationalists Lay Out Their Agenda
- Christianity Today - 今日基督教【J.D.万斯,以特朗普形象打造的政党副手人选】 | J.D. Vance, the VP Pick for a Party Made in Trump’s Image
- ProPublica【富人基督徒的秘密组织“洗革拉”(Ziklag)试图左右选举和改变国家的内幕】 | Inside Ziklag, the Secret Organization of Wealthy Christians Trying to Sway the Election and Change the Country
- Salon【疯狂的十诫!基督教右翼最新的有毒干扰】[Ten Commandments gone wild! The Christian right's latest toxic distraction | Ten Commandments gone wild! The Christian right's latest toxic distraction]
- Americans United -美国政教分离联合会【起源故事: 基督教民族主义的历史充满仇恨和极端主义】 | Origin story: The history of Christian Nationalism is littered with hate and extremism
- Daily Beast【梵蒂冈前驻美大使拒绝承认方济各的合法性,因此他被赶出了天主教会。】 | The Vatican’s former ambassador to the U.S. refused to recognize Francis’ legitimacy–so he got thrown out of the Catholic Church.
- Meidas News 【路易斯安那州成为第一个要求在学校展示十诫的州】 | Louisiana Becomes First State To Require Display of 10 Commandments in Schools
- Salon - 沙龙网【又一起福音派虐待丑闻: 这是他们崇拜特朗普的一个重要原因】 | Another evangelical abuse scandal: It's a big reason why they worship Trump
- Court House News - 法院新闻【联邦执法人员指控大纪元时报利用预付借记卡和被盗数据诈骗 6700 万美元】 | Feds accuse Epoch Times of $67 million fraud scheme using prepaid debit cards, stolen data
- Slate【帮助推动 1 月 6 日向 “恶魔影响 ”开战的激进福音派人士】 | The Radical Evangelicals Who Helped Push Jan. 6 to Wage War on “Demonic Influence”
- Washington Post【教皇方济各如何向变性性工作者开放梵蒂冈】 | How Pope Francis opened the Vatican to transgender sex workers
- Salon【与 "家庭 "组织有关系的福音派人士在乌克兰援助投票前会见了迈克-约翰逊和泽伦斯基】Evangelicals with ties to "The Family" met Mike Johnson and Zelenskyy ahead of Ukraine vote
- Time【统一教会渗透日本政府。现在,它将目光瞄准了美国】 | The Unification Church Infiltrated Japan’s Government. Now Its Sights Are Set on the U.S.
- Salon【我作为基督教牧师的使命:反对福音派的虚伪】 | My calling as a Christian minister: Stand up against evangelical hypocrisy
- Salon【作为一名基督徒心理学家,我面临的挑战是:帮助福音派人士看清特朗普的真面目】 | My challenge as a Christian psychologist: Help evangelicals see Trump for who he really is
- Salon【《特朗普圣经》是对基督教的嘲弄--而这正是 MAGA 会吞并基督教的原因】 | Trump Bibles make a mockery of Christianity — and that's exactly why MAGA will eat them up
- The Guardian 卫报【揭秘: 美国保守派智囊团与极端主义兄弟会的联系】 | Revealed: US conservative thinktank’s links to extremist fraternal order
- NPR【追溯基督教民族主义的兴起,从特朗普到阿拉巴马州最高法院】 | Tracing the rise of Christian nationalism, from Trump to the Ala. Supreme Court
- The Atlantic 【阿拉巴马州的胚胎意见不仅仅关乎基督教民族主义】 | The Alabama Embryo Opinion Is About More Than Christian Nationalism
- Right Wing Watch【《上帝与国家》纪录片凸显基督教民族主义的威胁和2024年大选的利害关系】 | ‘God & Country’ Documentary Highlights Threat of Christian Nationalism, Stakes of 2024 Election
- Alert Net【专家:基督教民族主义是 "一种政治身份而不是一种宗教身份“】 | Christian nationalism is 'a political identity more than a religious one': expert
- Salon【福音派基督教还能得救吗?我仍然相信--但前提是抛弃特朗普】 | Can evangelical Christianity be saved? I still believe — but only if it dumps Trump
- The Humanist【建国神话:为什么基督教民族主义是非美国的】(书评) | The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism Is Un-American
- Oregon Capital Chronicle【俄勒冈州立法者在采访中暗示非基督徒不适合担任民选公职】 | In interview, Oregon lawmaker suggests non-Christians are unfit for elected office
- Salon【宗教学者谈基督教内部的“内战”——以及阻止特朗普的紧迫性】 | Religion scholar on the "civil war" within Christianity — and the urgency of stopping Trump
- The Conversation【2024 年宗教与政治将如何融合--需要跟踪的三个趋势】 | How religion and politics will mix in 2024 – three trends to track
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