美国两党 U.S. Bipartisan

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美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)统计了特朗普在 RNC 演讲中的 20 多处不实之词。以下是部分内容
CNN counted more than 20 false claims in Trump’s RNC speech. Here are a few

【RNC 大会清楚地表明特朗普的共和党是支持犯罪的党派】
The RNC Convention Makes Crystal Clear that Trump's Republican Party IS the Pro-Crime PARTY

Robert Reich【共和党完了】- 罗伯特-赖克 The Republican Party Is Over | Robert Reich

【反特朗普抗议者在威斯康星州密尔沃基 RNC 外示威游行】
Anti-Trump Protesters Demonstrate Outside RNC In Milwaukee, Wisconsin

直播:RNC 2024 第一天:特朗普任命俄亥俄州参议员万斯(J.D. Vance)为副总统人选

LIVE: RNC 2024 Day 1: Trump names Ohio Senator J.D. Vance as VP pick

New LEAKED GOP Platform is CRAZIER THAN You Think...