宪政危机 Constitutional Crisis
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- New York Times【法官拒绝特朗普最后一刻推迟评估 1 月 6 日案件的请求】 | Judge Rejects Trump’s Last-Minute Bid to Delay Assessment of Jan. 6 Case
- MeidasTouch News【联邦法官驳回马克·梅多斯将亚利桑那州刑事案件移交联邦法院的企图】 | Federal Judge Rejects Mark Meadows’ Attempt to Move Arizona Criminal Case to Federal Court
- New York Times 【评论家笔记:宪法是神圣的。它也很危险吗?美国政治的最大威胁之一可能就是美国的建国文件。】 | The Constitution Is Sacred. Is It Also Dangerous?
- Fortune 【我承诺投入 3000 万美元改革最高法院。为了保护我们的民主,这笔钱不算什么。】I’m committing $30M to reforming the Supreme Court. It’s a small price to pay to protect our democracy
- Washington Post【根据1 月 6 日联邦案件对特朗普提起新的联邦起诉】 | New federal indictment filed against Trump in federal Jan. 6 case
- Business Insider【一项史无前例的法律举措可能让特朗普推迟对封口费的判决,直到大选日之后】 | An unprecedented legal move could let Trump delay his hush-money sentencing until after Election Day
MTN 【特朗普在刑事法庭的无情裁决中得到了非常坏的消息】
Trump Gets VERY BAD NEWS in BRUTAL Criminal Court RULING
- American Doom 美国末日【特朗普在亚特兰大证实佐治亚州选举委员会已落入他的掌控】 | In Atlanta, Trump confirms that Georgia's state election board is in his pocket
Georgia Launches Website To Cancel Voter Registrations
- AP 美联社 【为了推翻最高法院的豁免决定,舒默提出了“无国王法案”】 | In an attempt to reverse the Supreme Court’s immunity decision, Schumer introduces the No Kings Act
- The Guardian 【亨特-拜登以特朗普案被驳回为由要求撤销刑事案件】 | Hunter Biden asks for criminal cases to be thrown out, citing Trump case dismissal
- Salon【专家: 坎农做出了 “2025计划”的第一份法庭判决--但这可能是“因祸得福”】 | Experts: Cannon issued "first court decision of Project 2025" — but it may be "blessing in disguise"
- HuffPost【最高法院可能为特朗普窃取大选提供了 "路线图”】 | The Supreme Court May Have Handed Trump A ‘Road Map’ For Stealing An Election
- Daily Beast 【克拉伦斯-托马斯乘坐游艇免费游览俄罗斯,直升机飞往普京家乡】 | Clarence Thomas Took Free Yacht Trip to Russia, Chopper Flight to Putin’s Hometown: Dems
Criminal Investigations and Possible Impeachment Sought for Abuses by Justices Thomas and Alito.
What is Project 2025? Project 2025 Explained | 5 Criticisms of Project 2025
- Salon 【帝国总统:共和党刚刚完成了他们最漫长的骗局】 | The imperial presidency: Republicans just pulled off their longest con
- Salon【“2025 计划”本应促进唐纳德-特朗普的竞选活动,但它可能适得其反】 | Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but it may be backfiring instead
- The New Republic【如果乔-拜登像唐纳德-特朗普一样对使用豁免权毫不留情...】 | If Joe Biden Were as Ruthless About Immunity as Donald Trump …
- Medium【美国一直存在两级司法体系,特朗普并非受害者】 | America Has Always Had A Two-Tiered Justice System, And Trump is Not a Victim of It
- The New Republic【索托马约尔警告最高法院豁免权案后民主岌岌可危】 | Sotomayor Warns Democracy Is at Risk After Supreme Court Immunity Case
- Washington Post【大法官赋予总统官方行为豁免权,进一步推迟对特朗普的审判】 | Justices give presidents immunity for official acts, further delaying Trump’s trial
- Salon - 沙龙网【法律专家:缓刑可能对特朗普 “具有挑战性”--但 “他的选择是监狱”】 | Legal expert: Probation terms may prove "challenging" for Trump — but "his alternative is prison"
- Meidas News【处于陪审团争议中心的 “脸书 ”用户称自己为 “专业屎壳郎”】 | Facebooker at Center of Jury Controversy Calls Himself "Professional Sh*tposter"
- The Guardian - 卫报【特朗普呼吁最高法院撤销他在封口费案中的有罪判决】 | Trump calls on supreme court to annul his guilty verdict in hush-money case
- New York Times 【观点-杰米-拉斯金: 如何迫使大法官阿利托和托马斯在1月6日的案件中回避】 | Jamie Raskin: How to Force Justices Alito and Thomas to Recuse Themselves in the Jan. 6 Cases
- The Guardian - 卫报【唐纳德-特朗普对重刑犯有很多负面看法。现在,他也成了重罪犯。 | Donald Trump had lots of negative opinions about felons. Now he is one.
- Washington Post - 华盛顿邮报【如果特朗普在封口费审判中被判有罪,他接下来可能面临的问题】 | If convicted in his hush money trial, here’s what Trump could face next
- Salon【法律专家称特朗普律师对陪审团的结案陈词 "公然且完全不恰当”】 | Legal expert calls out Trump lawyer's "blatant and wholly inappropriate" closing message to jury
- Rolling Stones【特朗普向共和党施压,要求通过一项法律让他永远不用坐牢】 | Trump Pressures Republicans to Pass a Law to Keep Him Out of Jail Forever
- New York Daily News【逻辑失效: 唐纳德-特朗普在最高法院的无稽之谈】 | Immune to logic: Donald Trump’s nonsensical argument before the Supreme Court
- The Raw Story【“罪上加罪”: 特朗普卧室发现机密文件引发网络热议】 | 'Crimes on top of crimes': Internet erupts over classified docs found in Trump's bedroom
- New York Times【观点:从另一个角度看阿利托大法官的 “责怪妻子 ”辩护】 | A Different Way of Seeing Justice Alito’s Blame-the-Wife Defense
- Washington Post【观点:如何从阿利托的道德渎职中拯救最高法院】 | Opinion How to save the Supreme Court from Alito’s ethical malfeasance
- New York Times【在大法官阿利托的家中,一面 “停止偷窃 ”的标志正在展示】 | At Justice Alito’s House, a ‘Stop the Steal’ Symbol on Display
- CNN【迈克尔-科恩在特朗普 “封口费 ”案开庭首日接受盘问的要点】T | akeaways from the first day of Michael Cohen’s cross-examination in the Trump hush money trial
- CNN【约翰逊现身曼哈顿法院为何在支持特朗普的共和党人中不同寻常?】 | Why Johnson’s appearance at Manhattan courthouse stands out among Republicans backing up Trump
- New York Times【观点:特朗普告诉科恩披露他的风流韵事将是一场 "大灾难”】 | Trump Told Cohen Disclosure of His Fling Would Be a ‘Total Disaster’
- Salon【法律专家:检察官削弱了特朗普律师 “摧毁 ”迈克尔-科恩可信度的策略】 | Legal expert: Prosecutor undercut Trump lawyers' strategy to "destroy" Michael Cohen's credibility
- Washington Post【实时更新:迈克尔·科恩作证说他撒谎,为特朗普发出威胁】(续1) | LIVE UPDATES Michael Cohen testifies he lied, made threats for Trump
- Washington Post【实时更新:迈克尔·科恩作证说他撒谎,为特朗普发出威胁】 | LIVE UPDATES Michael Cohen testifies he lied, made threats for Trump
- Politico 【特朗普赢得其另一起刑事案件的进一步延期--这次是在佐治亚州】 | Trump wins further delay in another one of his criminal cases — this time in Georgia
- Daily Beast【斯托米-丹尼尔斯的证词将缺席的梅拉尼娅-特朗普拖入法庭】 | Stormy Daniels’ Testimony Drags Absent Melania Trump Into the Courtroom
- AHMED BABA’s Newsletter【为什么特朗普的 “封口费 ”审判实际上是一场干预选举的审判?】 | Why Trump's "Hush Money" Trial Is Really An Election Interference Trial
- The New Republic【来自顶级保守派法官的惊人消息:特朗普很可能完全逃脱制裁】 | Shocker From Top Conservative Judge: Trump Likely To Skate Completely
- Salon【专家: 特朗普同僚 "处境堪忧"--可能会在 "替人背锅 "之后合作】 | Experts: Trump associates "in a world of hurt" — may cooperate after they're "left holding the bag"
- The Conversation【特朗普挑战他所面临的每项限制的极限--包括威胁法官及其家人】 | Trump pushes the limits of every restriction he faces – including threatening judges and their families
- The Guardian【特朗普庭审:检察官称封口费是 "纯粹而简单的选举欺诈”】 | Trump trial: hush money was ‘election fraud pure and simple’, prosecutors say
- Politico【以下是我们所了解的将决定特朗普命运的 12 人的情况】 | Here's what we know about the 12 people who will decide Trump's fate
- Vox【1 月 6 日暴乱者今天在最高法院度过了美好的一天】 | January 6 insurrectionists had a great day in the Supreme Court today
- Vox 【最高法院有效废除了美国三个州的大规模抗议权】 | The Supreme Court effectively abolishes the right to mass protest in three US states
- Washington Post 【半数潜在的特朗普陪审员表示他们无法做到公正。这意味着什么?】 | Half of prospective Trump jurors said they can’t be impartial. What does it mean?
- Newsweek【唐纳德-特朗普封口费案庭审: 陪审团遴选工作开始后的第一天要闻】 | Donald Trump Hush Money Trial: Highlights from Day 1 as Jury Selection Gets Underway
- Politico【色情明星、总统和一位名叫佩克的出版商:特朗普刑事审判中的关键潜在证人】 | A porn star, a president and a publisher named Pecker: The key potential witnesses at Trump’s criminal trial
- Mother Jones【少数派统治正以前所未有地方式威胁着美国民主】 | Minority Rule Is Threatening American Democracy Like Never Before
- The Independent【新报告称,特朗普无法赦免1月6日的骚乱者, 即使他在11月获胜】 | Trump couldn’t pardon Jan 6 rioters even if he wins in November, suggests new report
- The Conversation【特朗普法律案件的陪审员将如何挑选--刑法专家解读】 | How jurors will be selected in Trump’s legal cases - a criminal law expert explains
- Salon【唐纳德·特朗普的黯然失色:首次重罪审判终于可以让他谦卑】 | A total eclipse of Donald Trump: First felony trial could finally humble him
- HuffPost【退役军事将领对特朗普声称的绝对豁免权发出严重警告】 | Retired Military Officials Issue Grave Warning About Trump’s Claim To Absolute Immunity
- New York Times【特朗普将起诉法官,为避免曼哈顿审判做最后努力】 | Trump to Sue Judge in Last-Ditch Attempt to Avert Manhattan Trial
- New York Magazine - Intelligencer 【得克萨斯州法院宣判因投票被判五年监禁的妇女无罪】 | Texas Court Acquits Woman Sentenced to Five Years for Voting
- New York Times【观点:没有人凌驾于法律之上,显然除了唐纳德-特朗普】 | No One Is Above the Law, Except, Apparently, Donald Trump
- Washington Post 【特朗普律师令人瞠目结舌的法律文件层出不穷】 | Trump lawyers’ head-scratching legal filings just keep coming
- The Guardian【记录显示,与特朗普同伙有关的美国公司向已被起诉的联邦调查局线人支付过报酬】 | US firm that paid indicted FBI informant tied to Trump associates, records reveal
- Huffpost【埃里克-斯沃韦尔在与亨特-拜登的质询交流中巧妙抨击唐纳德-特朗普】 | Eric Swalwell Expertly Roasts Donald Trump In Inquiry Exchange With Hunter Biden
- Newsweek【海湖庄园案(Mar-a-Lago)提交 5,000 多页机密文件】 | More Than 5,000 Pages of Classified Documents Presented in Mar-a-Lago Case
- Raw Story【杰克·史密斯告知坎农法官,特朗普对潜在证人的“令人震惊”的曝光 】 | Jack Smith informs Judge Cannon of Trump's 'egregious' exposure of potential witnesses
- Rolling Stone【司法部: 共和党的明星猎人拜登证人从俄罗斯情报部门获取信息】 | The GOP’s Star Hunter Biden Witness Was Getting Info From Russian Intelligence: DOJ
- Independent【拜登的兄弟在弹劾调查中作证时指责众议院共和党人“彻头彻尾的撒谎”】 | Biden’s brother accuses House Republicans of ‘flat-out lying’ as he testifies in impeachment inquiry
- Washington Post【共和党“俄罗斯骗局”言论持续愚蠢的新视角】 | A new lens into the ongoing folly of Republican ‘Russia hoax’ rhetoric
- Ahmed Baba【共和党弹劾基础崩溃: 联邦调查局线人因 ”拜登谎言“ 被起诉】 | GOP’s Impeachment Basis Crumbles: FBI Informant Indicted For Biden Lies
- Truthout【最高法院在特朗普取消资格的辩论中几乎无视1月6日的判决】Supreme Court All But Ignores January 6 During Trump Disqualification Argument
- Salon【新文件强调了为什么最高法院必须让杰克·史密斯的特朗普案向前推进】 | New documents underscore why the Supreme Court must let Jack Smith's Trump case move forward
- Raw Story【可能取消资格 法官下令就法尼-威利斯和特别检察官举行听证会】 | 'Disqualification can occur': Judge orders hearing on Fani Willis and special prosecutor
- AHMED BABA【Smartmatic 揭露右翼媒体参与 2020 年大选阴谋并提起诽谤诉讼】 | Right-Wing Media’s Complicity In 2020 Election Plot Uncovered By Smartmatic & Defamation Suits
- Huffpost【共和党人正在抓稻草,宣称如果特朗普被取消选票,将进行报复】 | Republicans Are Grasping At Straws To Promise Retribution If Trump Is Taken Off The Ballot
- Ahmed Baba【"特朗普主义制度化": 传统基金会主席在 "2025 项目 "访谈中直言不讳】 | “Institutionalizing Trumpism": Heritage Foundation President's Revealing Project 2025 Interview